
We are purposed driven to help inspire and motivate those whom we serve for total transformation. Our goal is to use life experiences along with our training in reeducation and reformation to help repair the black family and humanity.
We specialize in releasing generational trauma patterns and stories. We have spoken to thousands of listeners, worked with many faith based organizations, youth groups, community leaders, volunteers, schools helped many individuals, men and women and families to be restored.
We have served and helped many attain optimal health by improving the function of the spirit, mind and body. We believe that true health entails a balance of spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well being. The tools, if applied, will help with a total life transformation. Our objective is to help Enlighten and restore the black family with respect to ones own customs and beliefs. While working to help bring in a universal government in which we all can live in peace regardless to class, creed and color. This can be achieved.